Public Record
Excerpt From article.

The Outcome of Firsts: How skillsets develop after our first encounters with them.

The outcome of a person’s first experience with a skillset or topic determines and is determined by the innate interest of said individual. These first encounters lead to a recognition of patterns, which achieves a feeling of discovery. Once a person can recognize this pattern, they begin to recognize other patterns like it. These patterns are based on this individuals inherent individual interest. […] Interest is a person’s innate thirst for information regarding a particular topic or skillset, which is satiated by the act of discovery. […]

The Life-Cycle of Interest

Interest begins at the recognition of a pattern, which then leads to more interest. Eventually, once one has uncovered all apparent patterns within a system, if interest is strong enough one begins experimenting to discover new patterns. If they are conscious of their interest, they may begin recording the results of their experiments. They can then scour the results of their experiments for any underlying patterns, and then further explore those. Once they have explored all aspects of their interest, they will have secondarily developed a deep intuition within the form. At this point, any output they create from the form they have explored will be a conversation between the Artist and their Artform. These are further experiments to be explored for patterns. This process will continue for as long as the Artist’s interest exists. […]