Collective Memory
Excerpt From article.

The Modern Reader: How shifts in reading intention have affected marketability.


Our entertainment has become overrun with Mechanical writing. Writing that can be guaranteed to turn a profit. Writing that glances over on the other's page. Writing that offers little challenge to tradition, which rehearses techniques and storylines and formulas as if they are worth rehearing. …

Reading to Reinforce Opinion

Today, reading is highly encouraged. People either feel bad about how little they read, or find new ways to boast about how much they’ve read. Reading brings validation. This focus, though, on self improvement rather than enjoyment, shifts the content that the reader is willing to invest their time into. If they are going to take this time out of their day to really focus on themselves and to make themselves better, then what they read should help in that process as well. People read for the feeling they know they will get, based on the words in reviews in order to create the experience they’ve already decided to have.