Collective Memory
Excerpt from novella: the mosquito says to the leaf, “am i in a trap?”

Mosquito-derived salival anesthetic (MDSA)

Mosquito-derived salival anesthetic (MDSA) is a common recreational drug, known for its numbing effects and feelings of camaraderie.

”The painlessness is like nothing you've ever felt. I've grown to enjoy the itch, too."
Parmella Cheemes, mosquito user for three years

”Sometimes I fantasize about somebody scratching me to death. When the insides of every vein in me is itching, that thought can actually make me erect. […] Every time I sting myself, I know how much it’s going to itch after. And yet…”
Frecklin Joams, mosquito user for twenty-three years

Because so much of the anesthetic is required for a single dosing, the mosquito population has actually received the “Protected” status from the National Extinction Board for the first time in history. […]

Samson Manoah